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Free Cybersecurity Checklist Planning Tool:

Gain NIST 800-171 compliance

The North Carolina Manufacturing Extension Partnership (NCMEP) team has created a free cybersecurity toolkit that provides multiple training materials to share with employees and a variety of cybersecurity tools to assist in moving forward toward compliance. There is a cybersecurity checklist planning tool to help you move towards compliance.  The tool is presented as a Microsoft Excel Workbook so it can be a living document that can be updated as you progress in achieving NIST 800-171 compliance. This workbook is designed to serve as a gap assessment, planning and documentation tool for NIST 800-171 compliance.

The cybersecurity checklist planning tool contains separate worksheets that address the security controls within each of the 14 families of NIST 800-171 requirements. All 101 security requirements are addressed in this tool. Each worksheet contains:

  • The NIST 800-171 security requirement within that family.
  • The NIST 800-53 method of control that applies to the security requirements.
  • Implementation support for the security requirements.
  • A checklist column to indicate whether or not you are in compliance with each security requirement within that family,
  • A documentation column for use in entering locations of supporting evidence of compliance, dates of compliance, or planned compliance initiatives in progress.

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